Ali Yahyaei
1986, Tehran, Iran
2009 BA Cinema, Sooreh Art University, Tehran, Iran
2OO6-2007 Graduated from the first film workshop of Abbas Kiarostami
2014-1017 Graduate of Javid Ramezani Philosophy of Art and Bio-Art Workshop
2015 Specialized and independent study Psychology and Philosophical
، jaam workshop, 2005 – 2015
Solo Exhibition
2022, Saadi's dreams, Shirin Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2015 Prelude, A Photography Exhibition, Shirin Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Group Exhibition
2018 Maze, Negah Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2017 My Exhibition 6, Density, Gallery Chahar, Tehran, Iran
2017 Cocoon, Negah Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2016 My Exhibition 5, me, Laleh Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2015 Portraiture, Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2015 My Exhibition 4, Roots, Laleh Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2008 Shadow, Meehr Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2008 Fractal, Arasbaran Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Writer, Director
2022 Memories about love,90 min, Drama Movie, my movie is being produced
2017 Don’t’ want to be alive,90 min, Drama Movie, Public Distribution in Art and Experience cinema 2016, Tehran, Iran
Short film, Director
2013 Love in the dark,7 min, Public Distribution, Thasvir saal celebration, Tehran, Iran
2013 The story of a boy who had eaten the light carpet?,10 min, Public Distribution, Khane cinema
Celebration, Tehran, Iran
2007 Shara, Private Distribution, 5 min, Abaas Kiyarostamy film workshop, Thasvir saal celebration
Tehran, Iran