Farah Ossouli
Was born in 1953, Zanjan-Iran
Education:1971 Diploma in painting, Girl’s School of Fine Arts, Tehran
1977 B.A in graphic design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Teaching experiences:
1972-1977 Design Studio, Tehran
1981- 1987 Moaser Studio, Tehran
I realized early on in my childhood that dolls could not embody all the tails and personalities I lovingly nurtured in my active imagination.
So I started creating my own characters out of paper and paint, specific to each one of my fantastic stories. I drew them, painted them, cut them out of cardboard, and played with them for hours and days.
After a while, I needed new stories with new actors. The old cutouts were all thrown away along with the old sagas, only to be replaced by totally new ones. I would start all over again, recreating, redrawing, and repainting brand new characters according to my new scenarios.
Other Activities
Museum Collection Pieces:
• Los Angeles County Museum of Art | LACMA – United States
• The Metropolitan Museum Of Art- New York- United States
• Devi Art Foundation -New Delhi- India
• Bank Of Pasargad- Tehran- Iran
• Imam Ali Religious Arts Museum
• Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
• Tropen Museum – Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Ludwig Museum – Koblenz, Germany
• Koran Museum – Tehran, Iran
• 2001 Society of Iranian Painters
• 2001 DENA group
• 1997 Prize at the “Ayeneh dar Ayeneh” Exhibition, Tehran
• 2000 Winner of Renowned Iranian Women’s award, Tehran
• 2002 Iranian Women Artists award, Tehran
• 2002 Prize at the 2nd “Biennial of Islamic Contemporary Painting,” Tehran
Other professional activities:
2010 – 2012 Head of the jury of Visual art Festival, Mellat Gallery Tehran Iran
2010 – Nominator of the magic of Persia
2009 – Jury And Member Of The Selection Committee Of The First International Fajr Festival Of Visual Arts – Tehran Museum Of Contemporary Art – Tehran, Iran
2008 – Nominator Of Magic Of Persia Contemporary Art Prize – London, England
2008 – Jury and Member of the selection committee of Iran Art Festival – Niavaran Cultural Center – Tehran, Iran
2007 – Curator Of Iranian Art Festival Qanat Al Qasba – Sharjah, UAE
2007 – Chairperson of the exhibition:
Representation of Persian Painting in Cont. Painting in Iran-Imam Ali Arts Museum
2006 – a member of the selection committee of The sixth biennial of Persian painting
2006 – Member of Jury in Joy and Ecstasy Painting Workshop
2006 – Jury and member of the selection committee of Iran Art Festival
2005 – Member of the Selection Committee of Koran Exhibition, Tehran
2004 – Jury and member of the selection committee of Esfahan’s Annual Exhibition
2003 – Chairperson for the 6th Painting Biennial of Tehran
2002-5 – Member of the International Committee of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
2001 – Curator of Women Group Exhibition (Dialogue among Civilizations), Ejlas building, Tehran
1998 – Jury of “Manifestation of Feelings” Exhibition, Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran
2005 – Member of the Selection Committee of Koran Exhibition, Tehran 2004 – Jury and member of the selection committee of Esfahan’s Annual Exhibition 2003 – Chairperson for the 6th Painting Biennial of Tehran 2002-5 – Member of the International Committee of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art 2001 – Curator of Women Group Exhibition (Dialogue among Civilizations), Ejlas building, Tehran 1998 – Jury of “Manifestation of Feelings” Exhibition, Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran Exhibitions Individual exhibitions: 2019 Shirin GalleryTehran Iran 2019 0098 Projects, Tehran Iran. 2016 Dastan +2, Tehran, Iran. 2014 Shirin Gallery NY New York USA 2007 Imam Ali Religious Arts Museum, Tehran 2005 Ludwig Museum, Koblenz Germany 1993 Classic Gallery, Tehran 1989 Seyhoun Gallery, Tehran 1986 Private Residence, Tehran 1984 Private Studio, Tehran Group Exhibitions: 2021 Soo Contemporary, Tehran Iran. 2020 Inja Gallery Tehran Iran. 2020 “Teer Art,” Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran 2019 0098 Projects, Tehran Iran. 2018 Casale Monferato, Italy. 2017 Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2016 E1 Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2013 Women Redrawing the World Stage – Soho 20 Gallery – USA 2012 The Elephant in the Dark – Devi Art Foundation New Delhi India 2012 New Perspective in Contemporary Miniatures – Gallerie Kashya Hildebrand Zurich Switserland, www.kashyahildebrand.org 2011 Dis[Locating] Culture: Contemporary Islamic Art in America, Michael Berger Gallery, Pittsburgh US 2010 Art in Embassies, US Department of State, Doshanbeh Tjikestan 2010 The World where to I adhere, Silk Road Gallery 2010 A CONTEMPORARY VIEW OF WOMEN READING, An exhibition inhonor of the publication Forbidden Fruit, The Forbes Galleries New York City US 2010 Vangogh ‘s Ear, Second Cut, 10 Gallery Tehran Iran 2010 mona lisa collection, monalisaX10@10., 10 Gallery Tehran Iran 2010 Tehran – New York, Encyclopedia Iranica, LTMH Gallery New York US 2009 Masques of shahazad Evolution and revolution of three generations of iranain women Artists London england Www.candlestargallery.com 2009 Women beyond borders Www.womenbeyondborders.org 2008 Art paris Modern+contemporary art fair Silk road gallery Abudahbi uae 2008 Here there and every where Www.transculturalexchenge.org 2008 The 7th national beiennial of iranian contemporary paiting Museum of conteporary art tehran iran 2007 Representation of persian paiting in contemporary paintings in iran Imam ali museum tehran iran
2006 The Fourth International Painting Biennial Of The Islamic World 2006 Donne dialogo integraziane san leucio caserta, Italy 2006 The Iranian collection of the Tehran museum of contemporary art, Iran 2006 The Sixth Biennial of Persian Painting, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran 2006 East of Imagination, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran 2006 Plaacio a bolsa Porto, Portugal 2006 Museu Da Agua Lisboa, Portugal 2005 Iranian imagination, Saba cultural and Artistic center, Iran 2003 Children Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2003 Blanche Gallery, Brussels, Belgium 2003 A spiritual vision, tehran museum of contemporary art, Iran 2002 Christie’s Salerooms, London, UK 2002 Cultural Center, Kuwait City, Kuwait 2002 Pars mehry Gallery, Maryland, USA 2002 Royal Mirage, Dubai, UAE 2002 Art Sud Expo, Palais des Congres, Paris, France 2002 Decourtenay Gallery, Mons, Belgium 2001-2003 Traveling exhibition “A Breeze from the Gardens of Persia, New Art from Iran”, Meridian International Center, Washington DC, New York, Belleville Illinois, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Texas, Florida USA 2001 Hotel de Ville St.Gilles, Dix Femmes Painters d’Iran, Brussels, Belgium 2001 Amber Gallery, East-West Foundation, Leiden, The Netherlands 2001 New York Library, New York, USA 2001 United Nations building, Geneva, Switzerland 2001 Women group exhibition (Dialougue among Civilizations), Ejlas building, Tehran 2000 Contemporary Painting Exhibition, Larnaka, Cyprus 2000 Artisr International Trade Center,” The Silent Brush”, Washington DC, USA 2000 Art Expo, New York, USA 2000 khaneye Honarmandan, Tehran 2000-2002 1st and 2nd “Contemporary Islamic World Painting Biennial”, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran 1999 Yahia Gallery, Tunis, Tunisia 1999 Homayouni Gallery, Tehran 1999 Barg Gallery, Women’s International Day, Tehran 1999 Faramarzi Gallery, Tehran 1998-1999 Total Art, Contemporary Persian Painting, Dubai, UAE 1998 Nil Gallery, Tehran 1998 Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon 1997-1998 China Art Expo, Peking, China 1997 Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey 1997 Haft Samar Gallery, Tehran 1997 La Maison de I’Iran, Paris, France 1996 Eb-e-Sina Cultural Center, Tehran 1996 Aurum Gallery, Basel, Switzerland 1995 Daryabeigi Gallery, Tehran 1995-2000 Aria Gallery, Participating in 6 different exhibitions, Tehran 1994-1995 Bamdad Gallery, Tehran 1994 Saad Abad Cultural Center, Tehran 1994 Hakim Nezami Gallery, Tehran 1993-2003 Golestan Gallery, Participating in 7 different exhibitions, Tehran 1991-1993-1997 “Iranian Painting Biennial”, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran
1991 Iranian Studies Center, Columbia University, USA 1991 Azadi Cultural Center, Tehran 1991 Classic Gallery, Tehran 1990-1991 Afrand Gallery, Tehran 1989 Azin Gallery, Tehran 1989 Pafar Gallery, Tehran 1988 Cultural Center, Kive, Ukraine 1987-2006 Participating in more than 15 national and international exhibitions, held by the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran 1987-2005 Seyhoun Gallery, Tehran 1984-1999 Participating in 5 exhibitions held by the Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran 1978 Khaneh Aftab Gallery, Tehran Since 2007 participated in christies bonhams and sotheby s Auctions London + dubai DENA Group Exhibitions: 2007:Iranian art festival qanat al qasba sharjah uae 2006: Bagash gallery, Dubai, UAE Asia and pacific Museum, Warsaw, Poland Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE Persja and two sweaty gallery, Krakow, Poland 2005-Art space gallery, Dubai, UAE 2005-Ludwig Museum, koblenz, germany 2004-Institute for advanced studies in basic sciences, Zanjan, Iran 2003-European parliament building, Brussels, Belgium 2003-Haagse Kunstkring gallery, Den Haag, the Netherlands 2003-Kokkola museum, Kokkola, Finland 2003-Festival femmes en Iran, Evry city hall, Evry, France 2003-Caisa cultural center, Helsinki, Finland 2003-Sala uno gallery, Rome, Italy 2003-City hall gallery, Radhuset, Oslo, Norway 2003-Isfahan contemporary art museum, Isfahan, Iran 2003-Artists home of Yazd, Yazd, Iran 2003-Yan-Hunang art museum, Beijing, China 2003- Hubei art museum, Wuhan, China 2003-Liu-haisu art museum, Shanghai, China 2002-Villa del cardinale, Naples, Italy 2002-. Institute for advanced studies in basic sciences, Zanjan, Iran 2002-. Fabien fryns fine arts, Marbella, Spain 2002-. Pallazo Reale di Napoli, Naples, Italy 2002-. Vigado Gallery, Budapest, Hungary 2002. Amber gallery & caro gallery, Leiden, Netherlands 2001. Classic gallery, Isfahan, Iran 2001. Kavir gallery, Rafsanjan, Iran